background2This is going to be a fun WordCamp this year.  The organizers are splitting the beginners day into three tracks, one of the tracks will be the developer’s track.

Based on the blog post from Sideways 8 Aaron Reimann

“This is specifically for people who either know other frameworks and want to learn how to build within WordPress or for people who know how to hack at a theme but want to know how to do it “correctly”. We will be assuming that people in this track will already be familiar with CSS, HTML, PHP, Git (conceptually speaking) and have some local development.”

So if you are looking to  learn the ins and out of WordPress theming, make sure you show up on March 19th with the following installed on your computer:

-A local server LAMP stack (Mamp for Mac, Wamp for Windows)
-Git installed (a Git gui if you want)
-A text editor (PHPStorm is preferred, Atom/Sublime, etc works)
-Chrome or Firefox

I will see you all at WordCamp.